Educators for Sprouts In-Home Childcare are carefully selected and police vetted. An experienced Early Childhood Teacher regularly visits and has contact with your child and in-home childcare Educators. Ongoing training and professional development is provided for all Educators.
Napier & Hastings Co-ordinator
Kia Ora, My name is Lynda Bicknell. I am the Hawkes Bay Regional Manager for Sprouts In-Home Childcare and I also have a strong Playcentre background. My experience over the last 15 years has been in the Home Based sector of Early Childhood. I am passionate about home-based care as the benefits for children receiving and developing personal relationships with a primary Educator are really important. Working within Sprouts gives me the opportunity to connect with families, teach children and Educators as we build relationships that enrich children.
Dannevirke Co-ordinator
My name is Sam Ransom. I come from teaching seven and a half years at Kindergarten. I have two young children and live with them and my husband in Dannevirke. I hold a Bachelor of Education in Early Years 0-8. I am excited to be part of the Sprouts team and as the Dannevirke coordinator I enjoy the support I give and relationships I have with the Educators, children, and parents/whanau.
Contact me if you are looking for childcare, or to become an In-Home Based Educator.
Our Educator Team
At Sprouts In-Home Childcare we understand that each child is an individual and therefore has different needs and requirements. We offer a unique system utilising our Educators individual strengths and abilities to ensure that they are compatible with your child.
For those who are interested in finding an Educator, you can contact our co-ordinators who will let you know what availabilities we have. The next step is arranging a visit and our co-ordinators can assist you in this process. You are welcome to visit with a co-ordinator or alone.
When you have found an Educator we are able to provide assistance with settling your child into their new care environment.
Contact us to learn more about our childcare services, fees, and talented educators available in your region. We provide flexible childcare to suit your family needs and budget. Complete our online form to arrange a meeting with one of our regional co-ordinators or give us a call on our free-phone number below.
Click to Call 0800 777 688

Online Forms
WINZ Forms
Napier & Hastings Office
2b Wilding Avenue,
Marewa, Napier 4110
0800 777 688
Central Hawkes Bay & Dannevirke Office
13 Russell Street,
Waipukurau 4414
0800 777 688